
McCutcheon Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

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Salvation Army Angel Tree program

angel tree blog

Making the holidays brighter for disadvantaged children.

True to our commitment to getting involved in our community with our time and treasure, the team at Sean McCutcheon's Air Conditioning and Heating is proud to, once again, be making the holidays brighter for some disadvantaged children.

We are proud of our employees who not only made monetary donations, which the company matched, but they will be helping out in the Salvation Army warehouse this month!

The Angel Tree program provides gifts of new toys, winter coats, and clothing to thousands of children and senior citizens who otherwise might not have anything for Christmas.

The service depends on donations, so it is an opportunity for people throughout their local community to help families and children in need during the holidays and it is also a resource for children from lower-income families to get the presents they deserve at Christmas.

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